Thursday, June 27, 2013

Tall, blonde and thin? Next, please!

There are so many stereotypes about what makes a man or a woman attractive to the opposite sex. Maybe I'm weird, but many don't apply to me when it comes to my taste in women.

1. Thin: I don't find thin women attractive. I need some flesh on my woman. I once stayed in a corporate housing building in Milan for a couple of months. This building apparently also housed a number of aspiring and professional fashion models. My colleagues were all jealous of me. I was utterly unimpressed with those women who strutted by. They looked unhealthy. They looked sallow. They had no boobs. I've only once dated a woman with barely any boobs. And even that was out of curiosity rather than attraction.

2. Blonde: I don't care for blondes. Not that that's a disqualification. But it does nothing for me. I prefer women with brown, red or black hair. Even gray or salt & pepper work for me.

3. Scandinavian types: I don't find Scandinavian women attractive. In fact, many of them are quite unattractive: maybe because they're too pale, their hair too discolored.

4. Dolls: I find heavily made-up & perfumed women unattractive. Many women try too hard to look attractive. It actually detracts from their natural beauty.

5. Dumb: Perhaps not any more, but for long women were expected to be not terribly intelligent, or at least not reveal their capabilities. But, even today, a lot of men don't seem to mind a dumb, unintelligent woman. I run from them. Who wants to be with a Sarah Palin or Paris Hilton? I'd rather have an equal, someone from whom I can learn, someone I can engage with intellectually.

I'm aware of the irony in my compiling such lists. After all, I'm still out there, aren't I? But, still, it's fun to sit on a high horse every now and then. The feeling of towering over others can be exhilarating.

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