Saturday, May 24, 2014

Another Married Man

Gabriela, a Brazilian friend of mine, has been on Tinder off and on for a few weeks. She recently showed me the conversation she'd been having with a married guy from Pakistan. What's with married Pakistani men on Tinder? Here's the transcript....

Omar: hey hey
Gabriela: hey hey
o: having a good weekend?
g: yes, thanks. you?
o: great
g: is that your wife in your pics?
o: yes
g: does she know you're on tinder?
o: no
g: ok. have you met anyone from here yet?
o: yes, i have. does that bother you?
g: does it bother me that you have met others?
o: no, that i'm married
g: not really. so what's your story? why are you looking for a relationship outside your marriage?
o: variety
g: where are you from originally?
o: middle east. you?
g: brasil. where in the middle-east?
o: pakistan
g: pakistan is not the middle-east
o: well you just proved you're smarter than 99% of americans. yes, that's true
g: then why do you say it's the middle-east?
o: because when i say indian subcontinent or near east asia, they think i'm indian. what part of brazil?
g: so you'd rather that they think you're arab than indian? from rio
o: carioca
g: you must really dislike india to want to be associated with a culture that's alien to south asia than be associated with india
o: no, i think you're reading too much into my response. asia is a big place
g: you could have simply said you're from pakistan :) that's a far simpler answer than the one you gave. lol
o: i did
g: anyway, do you have kids?
o: yes
g: nice, how many? i don't have any
o: 2, boy and girl. are you married?
g: wow, that's the image of a perfect family, isn't it? no, i'm not. divorced.
o: how long?
g: 2 years
o: how long were you married?
g: 10 years. how long have you been married?
o: 15.
g: have you ever considered divorce? or do you still love your wife?
o: i've never considered it, still love her. however strange that may sound
g: ok
o: what bring you on tinder?
g: a friend of mine suggested. so i just signed up to see how it goes. do you have a steady girlfriend?
o: no, i don't
g: ok. no FWB?
o: no, i don't
g: then what happened with the women you met from here?
o: not what i was looking for
g: what are you looking for?
o: FWB
g: ok
o: you?
g: fwb or a steady boyfriend
o: got it. i can't be steady...lots of travel and real family life. can you be discreet?
g: how so?
o: i mean, keep a relationship secret.
g: sure, who am i going to tell? just my friends. if you want a discreet relationship why put a picture of you and your wife?
o: yes, i'm about to fix that. frankly shouldn't be on tinder
g: you or your pics?
o: haha. both probably
g: what kind of work do you do?
o: i'm in tech
g: like a programmer?
o: no, i'm a senior exec. i did that earlier in my career. i'm a business person at a tech company
g: nice. i'm an accountant. where do you live? i'm in hayward
o: i'll be precise this time. palo alto
g: lol. i see that you've done quite well to be able to live there
o: i can't complain

The conversation then petered away. At this point, the devil in me woke up. I wanted to indulge in some mischief. I asked Gabriela if I can do a quick search. I did, and the very first click led me to his professional website, with a picture of him in it. Another married guy, who's so damn easy to find on the internet. He turned out to be a Vice President at a large high-tech company. Wow, he really was senior executive. Why would someone like that want to cheat on his wife on Tinder in such a public way? I was tempted to ask Gabriela to blow is cover, but decided against it. I don't know why. Perhaps I'm not the devil after all. :)

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