Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Half-English Millionaire

So this guy looks okay. He's 50. We're matched. So I flip through his pictures. He's got a photo of a sunset, a phone keyboard, a Porsche & a Lamborghini. He's not in the picture with the cars, though.

Hal: hi there
me: are those cars really yours, or do you just want to impress the ladies with your knowledge of expensive cars?
h: there [sic] mine, did it impress you
me: nope. not impressed by cars.
h: where are you what city
me: i'm in X. you?
h: Y. [he names a city about 120 miles away.] but i'll be in Z today. [Z is about 10 miles from where i live.]
me: so what's a guy who owns a lamborghini doing on tinder? don't you have swarms of women mobbing you wherever you drive that car?
h: everyones not impressed just like you

[So this guy can't spell. He can't write a single grammatically correct sentence. And he claims to own expensive cars. Either he's lying or he's dealing in drugs.]

me: what work do you do? and, yeah, many women are smart.
h: i own a garage door company and i invented a garage door remote control and sold the patent 2 years ago
me: nice. what kind of patent is that?
h: utility and design

[So he won't reveal much. Nice touch.]

h: so what are you doing today wanna meet for lunch you can write it off
me: i can write it off? am i paying for it?
h: i will give you the receipt.
me: you're the one rolling in dough. i'm a lowly accountant.
h: or do you need bank statements
h: i don't mind paying

[Wow, magnanimous of him!]

me: then you write it off. i don't cheat.
h: you're such a nice girl
me: not always. :)
h: when aren't you
me: you'll have to find that out for yourself. :)
h: i'm trying that's why i want to meet for lunch
me: sure, but let's chat a bit more here
h: that's okay with me
me: what ethnicity are you? can't tell from the pics.
h: what nationality do you think i am?
me: you could pass off as a middle-easterner or hispanic
h: really which one more
me: i don't know. just tell me.

[So his coyness irritated me.]

h: im half english,mom still has an english accent,and half armenian but not like the typical Armenians you meet
h: what are you
me: brasilian.
h: I once had a Brazilian girl fall in love with me

[Wow, she fell in love with him. We don't know what he felt for her.]

me: and?
h: her name was Carmen
h: is that you
me: uh?
h: do you have a Brazilian accent
me: yes
h: is your name Carmen
h: nevermind
h: L.
h: dah
me: you mean you never even looked up my name?
h: yes it's written right above on top
h: i just sent it without looking

[How ridiculous is that? Tinder makes it really easy for you to know who you're communicating with.]

me: you lose a few points for that
h: come to Z today and meet me
h: why you never introduced yourself
h: so you lose a few points for that
me: you never did either, but i know your name
me: i can't come to Z. i don't have a car. i take public transportation
h: okay what's my name
h: well take a bus
me: to Z? you've got to be kidding me.
h: take it over the bridge and i'll pick you up
h: it's only 2 miles
me: if it's only 2 miles, why can't you drive your fancy car to the city? it's a lot faster by car than by public transport.
h: because i will be working
h: i don't really like going into the city either
h: too much traffic
h: nowhere to park sorry

[What a load of crap! I'm furious at this point, but I play cool.]

me: so what will you do if we were to click?
h: the question is what will you do
h: you will probably move over here with me


me: hehe
me: you're cocky.
h: don't you like that
h: i'm a gentleman as well

[Yeah, I believe that.]

me: ok. where do you want to meet for lunch?
h: how about cheesecake factory

[Wow, fancy restaurant!]

me: i hear ABC [it's an expensive restaurant according to yelp] in Z is good. great brunch. been meaning to go there
h: never heard of it
h: what kind of food
me: american
h: do you want to meet me in Z
h: why don't you have a car
me: i don't need a car in the city.
h: so are you taking a bus to Z
me: aren't you going to pick me up from the other side of the bridge?
h: yes, i'll pick you up in Z

[He didn't answer my question. Obviously he isn't going to pick me up from the other side of the bridge as he offered initially.]

me: where?
h: wherever you get off the bus
me: i think the bus comes near the restaurant. why don't i just meet you at the restaurant?
h: okay even better
me: you should make a reservation, though. it's a popular restaurant.
h: no i know DEF its not popular [DEF is the name of a cheap Mexican joint.]
me: why not ABC?
h: yes we can go there
me: okay, please make a reservation.
h: ok

[He went to take a shower. I proceeded to block him. It was the most benign thing I could do.

Seriously, what's wrong with some guys. Do they really think this kind of behavior will get them dates?]

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